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OHIo's industry-recognized 


If you want to learn real-world skills that will give you an advantage in your career field, this is the seal for you.


How Can I Earn This Seal?:


To earn Ohio’s Industry-Recognized Credential Seal, you'll need to do one of the following:

  • Earn a 12-point Industry-Recognized Credential; or 

  • Earn a group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field – as outlined here; or

  • Obtain a state-issued license for a practice in a vocation that requires an examination 


Each Industry-Recognized Credential has been assigned a point value based on employer demand and the role it plays in the hiring process. You can bundle smaller valued credentials within a career field to earn a total 12 points. 



Click 'MORE' to learn how to satisfy these requirements.

credential seal

Technology 2.jpg
Student Engagement 2.jpg
Biliteracy 2.jpg
Science 2.jpg
Ohio Means Jobs Readiness 2.jpg
Military Enlistment 2.jpg
Industry Recognized Credential 2.jpg
Honors Diploma 2.jpg
Fine and Performing Arts 2.jpg
Community Service 2.jpg
College Ready 2.jpg
Citizenship 2.jpg

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